Want To Be Fast In Calculation?

Karthik Bhandary
4 min readNov 1, 2020

We all have been in a situation where we have to use a pen and paper or maybe a calculator to calculate something with big numbers. It may be addition, subtraction, multiplication or division does not matter what it is. It’s a hassle to do it on the paper every time. Every time you keep thinking to your self that if only you could do it in your head.
If you have not been in this situation good for you. You are very fast at calculating. But for most of the people, it’s not the case. They have to put it on paper or use a calculator. It’s perfectly fine. There may come a time where both of these options may not be available. You have to be good when it comes to calculating then.

How Can You Do it?

You can do it in many ways. You can memorize the tables for multiplication. Do some subtraction with big numbers on your own. It doesn’t matter. But it won’t be that efficient. So to save time and increase the efficiency of your learning, I am going to recommend an app.

Math Tricks

The name of the app is Math Tricks. As you can see the above picture that is its logo. You can download the app on the Play store and the App Store. You can see that it’s showing you a procedure to multiply 35 with 11. It’s just the beginning.

I will tell you the routine I follow using this app. In this process, you will also learn about the app layout and how to use it. So first download the app and open it. After opening the app you will find it like this.

The layout may change depending on when you download it. Anyways as you can see, there are many things you can do. You can play with your friends or on your own. You can practice in the Training mode. If you open the Training mode and you will see this.

You have everything from addition to percentages. If you want to practice addition, click on it and you will find two options like this.

Start with the first one. If you click, it will show you some tricks which will help you add the numbers fast.

Every time you open a section, it will show you the trick respective to that section. By using this, you can practice until it becomes second nature.

There are 100 levels in each section. For demonstration, I’m only showing you 15. You don’t have to do every one of them. You should do at least ten levels and at max 20 levels.

While you are practising, if you are not able to get the answer, you can look up the answer, by pressing the infinity button. It will show you the answer, along with the process.

How I Do it

If you observed the very first picture, you see a streak and 0/100 today at the top. What it means is that at every level, you will have to solve ten questions. You will reach 100/100 if you do it ten times.

I do one level 10 times. By doing this, you will be able to get a better grip. I suggest you do the same.


Some of you may be wondering why would I need to calculate very quickly? There are many reasons for that some of them are

  • Competitive Examinations
  • Programming
  • Increase in Problem solving skills
  • Machine learning
  • You will become sharp
  • Improved decision making

These are just some of the advantages and reasons why you should be able to calculate quickly.

Final Thoughts

At last, what I want to say is that you don’t need to have a particular reason or you don’t need to belong to a particular field to be able to calculate quickly. Even if you are someone who is normal, being able to calculate quickly will help you at some point in time.

